Placenta Encapsulation

Transform your placenta into medicine using a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique. This method involves steaming the placenta with warming herbs and dehydrating it at a low temperature, then grinding it into a fine powder and putting it into capsules.  

Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation

Uterine Healing:

Oxytocin in the placenta helps the uterus cramp down and heal.

Breastfeeding Support:

Encapsulating can increase your milk production by reintroducing hormones that encourage lactation such as prolactin and oxytocin.

Nutritional Benefits:

Many people experience low levels of iron or anemia during pregnancy and after. The Placenta is full of heme-iron, which is easy for the body to process.

Hormonal Regulation:

As the placenta grows, it takes over many of the roles of the primary hormone producing organs in your body. After the placenta is released, it takes 4-6 weeks for those primary organs to take up their usual function again. This is why some people experience baby blues, depression or psychosis. Consumption of placenta capsules in regimented doses helps reduce symptoms caused by dysregulation, while not disrupting the body's natural process of coming back into balance.

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