Isa Witty

I am an educator at my core, and yes, I was that kid that insisted on telling everyone weird, but interesting health facts. Over the years I have gained many essential skills to help provide guidance and health care. My interests have taken many forms over the years, though fascination with the interconnectivity between our bodies, health, and community has always been the driving force.

My Story

My education began at Hampshire College, where I studied epidemiology, public health, and worked as a sexual educator and peer leader. During this time, I also worked at the Center for Women and Community providing sexual assault prevention education and personally cofounded a peer sexual education program called "Youth for Safer Sex". My interest in reproductive health sent me to the Czech Republic for an internship studying the maternal healthcare system and assisting midwives at a local hospital.

After college, I returned to Ithaca, NY and met a local nurse midwife, who invited me to work as a birth assistant for their practice. I experienced many types of homebirth, also taking on private hospital clients as a doula. Along the way, I became certified in neonatal resuscitation, and placenta encapsulation. During my 4 years of services with the practice, I proudly supported over 200 births in New York’s Southern Tier.

One of the lessons I learned through birth work is that all medicine has a time and place. I was always interested in “alternative" medicine, striving to understand how differing philosophies intersect and enhance each other’s efficacy. I'm fortunate that alternative medicine, specifically herbal medicine, was a part of my upbringing. I expanded this knowledge through formal education at Heartstone Herbalism and continue working with mentors for research updates.

Whether I'm consuming plant medicine or simply enjoying their natural sights and smells, building a relationship with plants has changed my life. Like any form of medicine, plants can be powerful and effective when used properly. While continuing my doula career and advancing into a full homebirth assistant, my newfound understanding of plants and holistic medicine quickly launched me into the next chapter of my career: coaching and herbal consulting.

Through these practices, I provide a space for people to get to know themselves in a new light, make persistent change and create lives they are proud of. As I guide each client on their journey, I'm also blessed with the opportunity to grow and heal myself through their vulnerability. It is an honor to be trusted by my clients and witness their life-altering growth.

Current Certifications

  • DONA Trained

  • Neonatal Resuscitation Certified

  • Placenta Encapsulation Certified

  • Sexual Health/Trauma Educator

  • CPR Certified

  • Certified Herbalist

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certified